Dodo Blend
Whole Bean
Medium - Dark Roast
Quality Score
92 / 100
Milk Chocolate
Orange Citrus
Medium Body
75% Colombia
25% Brazil
10 oz.
Kaua‘I ‘Ō‘Ō
Whole Bean
Medium Roast
Quality Score
86 / 100
Light Body
Ka'ū, Hawaii
10 oz.
Rock Wren
Whole Bean
Medium - Light Roast
Quality Score
84 / 100
Light Body
Pluma Region, Mexico
10 oz.
Pintail Decaf
Whole Bean
Medium - Dark Roast
Quality Score
82 / 100
Dark Body
Caldas Region, Colombia
10 oz.
Whole Bean
Medium Roast
Quality Score
86 / 100
Citrus Body
Zacapa, Guatemala
10 oz.
Join The Flock
The Flock is a subscription club with very limited availability.
Once you're in, you can enjoy all the benefits.
Once you leave, the next in line is able to join.
The Flock Benefits
Miss Out
You’re guaranteed your favorite beans, even when they're sold out to regular customers
Be the first to enjoy limited-quantity capsule roasts
Access to new merch before anyone else
Enjoy special offers only available to subscribers
Flat Rate
Anywhere in the US, only $5
Easy to Reschedule,
Pause or Cancel
With ease at any time by going to your subscription settings
We Take Care of The Flock First
Subscribers have access to our coffee before anyone else. Only after The Flock is fully served and accounted for will we release any remaining bags for purchase to non-Flock customers
How To Join The Flock
Pick Your Favorite Bean(s) In Our Store
Locate the product you want to receive on repeat
Choose How Often You Want Your Beans
We have the option to ship you a bag every 2 weeks or 4 weeks
Check Out and Enjoy The Coffee and Benefits!
Welcome to The Flock! Enjoy your beans and benefits
Don't miss out!
Once The Flock is full,
you will have to join the waitlist
Flock Founders
About Us
A company built by family, for family.
From the origin of our name to the hands roasting our beans and the smile serving your coffee, three generations of our family are right there with you. With roots in the military and sports world, we know the importance of working together and not just cooperating with one another, but in walking alongside each other to help everyone reach their highest potential: from our farmers, suppliers, and employees, all the way to the communities we feel so blessed to be a part of.
We are thankful to be able to walk alongside you, as well, even if it’s only in being able to offer you a great cup of coffee. As in every endeavor we take part in, it’s the people we cross paths with every day that ultimately make this coffee special. And quality coffee is all about people, doing their best to make their part perfect. And perfect is good enough.
Origin Story
The origin of Dodo Coffee Co. is the divine blending of passions that have been forming over many years. Rooted in the glory of God, it is a business not merely for business’s sake. It was created to provide a product that brings enjoyment, stimulates local economies, and supports the dignity of the farmers who derive their very livelihood from coffee cultivation.
Dodo Coffee Co.’s expansive vision has blossomed from our collaborative experiences. A love for natural design and a deep desire for artistic expression. The subtle power of sharing a cup of coffee with a friend in a beautiful space. The impact of intentional service at home and around the world and the blessings it returns. The romantic captivation of a fresh rain on the ripening coffee plants. A farmer’s warm, strong handshake as he welcomes you to his world and his immediate connection with the soil.
We invite you to join us in the continuation of our story, because Dodo Coffee Co. is best when shared with a friend!
Meet The
We believe that our diverse experiences help shape who we are and that the combination of our individual and shared experiences are the strength of our team.
Cooper and
Anna Kupp
Met on the high school athletic field and shared a common love for the beauty of competition. With backgrounds in marketing and finance, they are instrumental in the direction of the company.
Cooper is an NFL wide receiver with the Los Angeles Rams, Super Bowl MVP, Offensive Player of the Year and Receiving Triple Crown winner.
They’re connoisseurs of special moments and special coffees.
Isaiah and
Sarah Ojeda
High school sweethearts. With backgrounds in biology and professional baking, they have a shared desire for attention to detail and perfection. As expert barista and master roaster, they develop the formulas and roast curves that drive our flavors.
Nathan and
Veronica Croskrey
Shared experience at the United States Military Academy. Army Infantry Officer and Air Cavalry Scout Platoon leader. They understand personal sacrifice and service over self. Verónica’s Bolivian upbringing (se habla español) and Nathan’s numerous short-term mission trips give them a clearer world view. They are Papa and Tita to 11 grandchildren.