What do the names of the roasts mean?

Each of our roasts is named affectionately after the country or region in which the beans were grown. Most of our roasts follow the lead of our namesake in being extinct birds of their respective homelands, but don’t count the dodo bird out…. Some roasts are named after more specific areas where the coffee farms reside. So settle in with your fresh cup of coffee and learn something new about where those great coffee beans came from.

What do the names of the roasts mean?

Each of our roasts is named affectionately after the country or region in which the beans were grown. Most of our roasts follow the lead of our namesake in being...

What does Quality score or Q Grading mean?

A Q grade is a professional rating system used to evaluate the quality of coffee beans. Coffees that hold Q grades over 80 are considered “specialty coffee” on global standards.Every aspect of the coffee is examined in a Q grade: ethical farm practices, clean facilities, roast quality/consistency, even imperfection count. We pride ourselves on all of our roasts carrying Q grades from 82 all the way up to 92. It is our passion and commitment to excellence that provides our consumers with the best coffee available.

What does Quality score or Q Grading mean?

A Q grade is a professional rating system used to evaluate the quality of coffee beans. Coffees that hold Q grades over 80 are considered “specialty coffee” on global standards.Every...

What does it mean to use clean ingredients?

We have made it a point to only pair our coffee with the best. That means choosing syrups made from botanicals, without chemicals. It means using milk sourced directly from a dairy farm that does things the old fashioned way (no antibiotics, no artificial hormones, and LTLT pasteurization making sure beneficial enzymes and nutrients are not altered or removed) and delivers their milk in glass bottles just like how your parents (or grandparents) knew it.

What does it mean to use clean ingredients?

We have made it a point to only pair our coffee with the best. That means choosing syrups made from botanicals, without chemicals. It means using milk sourced directly from...

Where do you source your coffee beans from?

You can find all of our bean origins on each roast’s retail page. In that section, you will also find notes and flavors to expect from each roast.

Where do you source your coffee beans from?

You can find all of our bean origins on each roast’s retail page. In that section, you will also find notes and flavors to expect from each roast.

How should I store your beans?

To keep your coffee at its best, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid the refrigerator or freezer, as they can alter the coffee's flavor profile. Our retail bags come with resealable zips and an unidirectional degassing valve that make great coffee storage containers!

How should I store your beans?

To keep your coffee at its best, store it in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Avoid the refrigerator or freezer, as they can alter the coffee's flavor...

Do you roast your own coffee?

Yes, we roast our own coffee and perform quality assurance on each batch. Every 30 seconds, each batch temperature is compared to our roast standard curve, giving us an accuracy score. Dodo Coffee Co. will not serve any coffee with less than a 97.5% accuracy score.

Do you roast your own coffee?

Yes, we roast our own coffee and perform quality assurance on each batch. Every 30 seconds, each batch temperature is compared to our roast standard curve, giving us an accuracy...